
Check Your Self-Control Ability (1)

Each person needs the freedom to be creative and to actualize themselves. On the other hand, control of the self-regulation is necessary as on the encouragement and capabilities, both physical, psychological, and behavioral.

Acting without thinking is a characteristic inherent in children. They act spontaneously.When the pain they will weep anywhere, anytime, and under what circumstances. When happy, healthy children will be running around, scribbling, shouting excitedly, or do what ever they want.

Imagine if this kind of behavior by adolescents or adults. Of course quite strange. We will bevery annoyed if someone who no longer find the kids act as they pleased, letting impulsesor desires that are selfish just manifested.

The more a person gets older, she is expected to have more control over their own behavior. In other words, the more developed the ability to control themselves.

Self-control is the effect or the regulation of one's physical, behavioral, and psychological processes. This is a very important thing in someone's life.


First, self-control plays a role in one's relationship with others. This is not separated from the fact that we do not live alone, but in groups, in the community. In fact, we have personal needs such as food, drink, warmth, and so on. To meet these needs we need to control yourself in such a way, so as not to disturb others.

Second, self-control plays a role in the achievement of personal goals. Every person, fromany culture, always hoping to achieve certain goals in life. For example, the goal to have acertain competence, achieving personal maturity, and so forth, in accordance with the standards in society.

In order to achieve these objectives we need to learn and strive constantly, and control by delaying the instant gratification of needs in order to achieve long-term goals.

By developing the ability to control himself as well as possible, we will be personally effective, so it can consistently feel happy, free from guilt, live more constructively, can accept yourself, and also accepted by society.