The 7 Laws of Happiness
Three "food" related to ourselves, the three "foods" relates to our relationships with other people as well as a "foods" more to do with God. Three first meal is patience, gratefulness or gratitude, and simplicity. Three second foods is love, giving, and Forgiving. One last meal is surrender.
Everything is influence the minds
Concept of the happiness its focus in mind. We put the wrong foods into our minds.Ordinary food we easily see that we can more carefully insert appropriate to the mouth. But if the mind, it is hard to sort it out if we do not do it seriously.
To deal with a part of the journey of life that are considered poor, often negative thoughts that first emerged.
Then we should really have a realization in advance what will we choose to be happy. We must be aware, even though this is an abstract.
Similarly, in the face of crisis, secret happiness is not determined by the conditions and environment. The secret is in the happy mind. Happy it's actually want what we already got.
Quoting Steven R. Covey, that everyone has the freedom to choose in response to stimulithat come to them.