
Tips to Forget Your Anger

The past are often a bad memory store that we want to delete from memory. Unfortunately,not easy to break free from anger or resentment. In fact, research shows that most diseases originate from anger in the heart.

Anxiety, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and physical illness is a bit of disease caused by factors temper earlier. By forgiving and say the word sorry, actually we have to take back control of our lives. Plus bonuses for positive health. One of them is drop in the blood pressure.

In a study of The Stanford-Ireland Hope Project, Frederic Luskin PhD and Carld Thoresen PhD doing research on the impact of forgiveness. In this study involved 17 men and women whose family members had been victims of homicide. For some time the respondents were given training "to forgive".

After one week, 35 percent of the respondents who have lost spouses, children, parents, orsiblings it reported was reduced headache disease. Likewise, the various other stress-related illnesses. Meanwhile, 20 percent of respondents claimed to decrease symptoms of depression.

Many people admit, gave apologize words is not easy. However, there are 5 ways that we can use more sincere hearts to to forgive as described by Joan Borysenko PhD, the author of Inner Peace for Busy People.

1. Understanding the meaning of to forgive
In general, people do not want to forgive because they feel it is tantamount to stating that other people do not make mistakes or we make peace with people who have been hurt us.

Joan Borysenko PhD, psychologist, says, to forgive is about letting go of the anger that had been holding you. This is tantamount to accept you are wrong and decides to liberate yourself from hurtful things.

2. Grief for the lost
So that we can genuinely to forgive, we must feel the grief. It takes time, but once youdecide to release the anger, the heart will feel lighter gradually. In time, the memory on theevents of the past will be less remembered and it was no longer painful.

3. Do not wait for an apology
Sometimes people who we think has hurt us do not realize his actions are wrong. Or maybethey were not able to understand and empathize. Apology from the person can indeed heal wounds, but decided to throw away any hopes of an apology as well have the same impact.

4. Trying to understand the reasons
The fact is, bad behavior is the result of a less mature emotion. This is evident from the majority of perpetrators of crime who suffered physical or psychological violence inchildhood. Empathy will help us to erode the sense of anger, and even change our lives.

5. Welcome to the future
Life is a school where we learn many things, including painful. We can not avoid pain, but we can choose to opt out of the shadows of our life-long grudges.

Choosing to let go and move on will make you into a new individual. This will give you maturity and compassion to others and also yourself.