
Violence Game Make Kids More Aggressive

Should to keep children from playing computer games related to violence. Thus it is said three Austrian psychologist based on their research findings.

According to reports in their research titled "Violence and Prevention of Violence", three scientists from the Department of Psychology at the University of Vienna, Austria, suggested the attitude of "no tolerance" must be applied in dealing with youths who play violent computer games.

Teenagers must be kept away from these violent games because they're "not good and only cause harm".

The research results show that young people often play games related to violence in the computer tend to be more aggressive than those who only play games that little or no violence.

For that, the scientists explained that violent games not only tempt imitation, but the gaming environment also easily take someone on a mental reactive or imaginary aggressive.

"Children who play games related to violence in computer games will easily show aggression when irritated, unsatisfied, or angry". As such, they are more aggressive than children who do not play such games.

In that study also found that among adolescents aged 16 years and specifically surveyed, boys who play computer games with content that relates to brutality has even reached 60%.

Therefore, the scientists advised parents and teachers should begin related education in primary schools to keep children from violent computer games.