Things Revealed
There are signs in the expression of that relationship to be effective:
- More express feelings rather than facts. When we express our feelings towards others, it means that we allow others to recognize who we really are. For example, information on how we develop relationships with our brothers and sisters make other people understand us, rather than simply providing information that we have brothers.
- The expanded and deepened. Maybe we are still experiencing discomfort share experiences with someone who is supposed to be close to us. For it is necessary for the development of relations toward a deeper (more to express feelings towards certain issues) and expanded (by discussing various issues, such as work, family, religious experience, and etc.).
- Focus on the present, not the past. When sharing experiences about the past we used to explain why a particular action is both catharsis (release tension), but can be left feeling that we are weak. This happens especially when the reciprocal openness did not last. So, we better focus on the present situation.
- Reciprocity. We must always match the level of our openness to the level of people's
openness we meet. Be careful, do not open up early, before passing through periods of development of the familiar relationships and mutual trust. On the other hand, when needed, no need to wait for people to open up. Do not be afraid to initiate important steps to build relationships. Give examples, and others will adjust. If people do not respond in a balanced way, stop these steps.
Many Benefits
Self-disclosure has the benefit for each individual and for the relationship between the two parties. By opening up self-disclosure and reply to others, we can improve communication and relationships with others.
In detail, the benefits are:
- Lighten. Sharing with others about themselves or the issues we face, can give the alleviatepsychological conditions. For example, stories about the inability to take an exam or end a relationship with someone. How do we overcome this? How the views of others? By opening up, we gain additional perspective to help themselves to see the point of frustration from the perspective of others.
- Assist the validation (test accuracy) perception of reality. With its own point of view, wemay tend to use size according idealistic self. When we communicate this with the rightperson (who provide sympathetic, supportive, trustworthy, and a good listener), we not only get approval, but also the information needed to better understand ourselves, we need to understand the world in a more realistically.
- Reduce tension and stress. When we deal with tension or stress for any reason, if notdisclosed to develop into explosively. Conversely, if disclosed to others, we will find a way out. Had not got a way out, at least more lightly because we do not feel alone. This can actually make us become closer to other people and add a sense of comfort at that time nor in subsequent relationships.
- Reduces physical. There is a connection between mind and body system. The existence of a positive influence on the mind (due to self-expression), resulting in the physical. Shareor express yourself with others, make us less stress, reduced anxiety, and relieving the heart rate and blood pressure. In other words, self-disclosure can have a positive influenceon physical health, than emotional.
- Chronology of clearer communication. By showing a desire to open up to others, andrespect for self-disclosure to others, then we increase the ability to understand the point of view or different perspective. Thus, we will be more confident to clarify intentions ormeanings of others. Feedback through open discussion, vagueness in communication is minimized.
- Reinforcement of relations. When the between the-co-workers more familiar with eachother, the reciprocal effects occur: openness to develop a sense of fun that more increasingopenness and growing resulting in the strong sense of fun. Without self-expression, the levelof closeness and trust relationships are at a low level. With openness resulting trust, andcooperation generated by the trust. Inside the organization, cooperation and mutual trust isvery important to determine innovation in order to remain able to survive and compete.Moreover, the research found that when more likes between the co-workers work together,they are more productive in working on projects or in a team situation.